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NSO Analysis


So I was watching my friend play through this game called Needy Streamer Overload, I swear guys, it wasn’t me, and I went up to my friend (real person) and said, hey man, this part of the game looks pretty frustrating, I wonder if there’s something we can do to make it a bit easier. 

Most of the game revolves around resource management while driving towards one end goal, if you don’t manage your resources correctly, you get an ending, usually not a productive one. Unfortunately, the save system and backtracking system isn’t as comprehensive as I’d like, and going all the way down a fork in the road can be extremely time consuming.

Opening the game in cheat engine and scanning memory for variables led me to find a variable for mood, which I could then edit to mitigate the losses or gains by doing activities. Opening the address space leads me to find several variables that also react in tandem with stats, suggesting that they’re nested closely together in a class.

Fiending to find more, I used a tool called dnspy, dnspy is a utility that you can use to access files written in the .net framework. Generally knowing how unity games are structured, most of the juice is inside of the folder ./managed, in a dll named assembly-CSharp. Accessing this and scanning for the word “debug” I managed to find a variable that controls whether or not the game is in debug mode, upon setting this to true (elite hack), the game boots with several new features, such as jumping directly to several different endings, modifying variables directly in-engine, various cheats, and more.

Available here if you’re into that sort of thing
